"A" stands for anarchy

On my way to work, I pass an elementary school. The school building faces a low wall – and to make the place brighter, somebody, probably an arts teacher, had the idea to paint the wall over with merry colours. Recruited school kids for the task and came up with the following design: The wall is divided into countless small squares and each of them holds the letter "A". Small A, big A, print-style A, handwritten A, even an A in the form of a human figure. Myriad of As of all shapes and colours. But only As, nothing else. No exception. Every time I pass the wall, I wonder how come that nobody broke the rule and painted B instead. Or C or Z for that matter. Anything to mischievously break the monotony. Every time, I search for a disrupter in the unified army of As, but no luck so far. Maybe disrupters are perfectly camouflaged – or, more likely, the school kids were a kind of unified army as well. Every time, fingers itch for a brush and a bit of paint...

© Zuzana
picture ©  zdudu @ geocaching.com